Scottish shale Scottish shale

Drumcross Coal Co. Ltd.

Company number:
Incorporated 1872
Dissolved 1881
Registered office:

93, West Regent St. Glasgow

Proprietors of Drumcross pit


DRUMCROSS COAL COMPANY (Limited). The first statutory meeting of this company was held on Monday in the offices of the secretary, Mr Richard M'Culloch, writer, 193 West Regent Street. Mr George Glennell, Sanquhar, the chairman, moved the adoption of the report, which was approved of. The company is opening up valuable seams of coal near Bathgate.

Glasgow Herald, 11th December 1872


COURT OF SESSION, OUTER HOUSE—Thursday, June 25. (Before Lord Young.)

THE NORTH BRITISH RAILWAY V. THE DRUMCROSS COAL COMPANY. This was an action at the instance of the North British Railway Company against the Drumcross Coal Company (Limited). In November and December, 1873, and January and February, 1874, certain quantities of coal, &c, were carried by the pursuers to and from Livingstone Station, Linlithgowshire, on behalf of the defenders, as they allege, in virtue of arrangement made between the pursuers and James Burns, coal merchant, Glasgow. The pursuers maintained that Mr Burns was acting for the defenders, aud that they were therefore liable in the amount concluded for, which was £156 2d. On the other hand, the defenders denied their liability, and maintained that Mr Burns had no authority to enter into any agreement on their behalf with the pursuers. They explained that they agreed to sell the whole out-put of the gas and free coal from their pits to Mr Burns, and that delivering the same at Livingstone Station, they had no further responsibility.

Falkirk Herald, 2nd July 1874