
Our rights over these resources
Since the early 1980's Almond Valley and its predecessors have amassed a collection of museum objects and archive material from the Scottish shale oil industry though donations from official sources and private individuals, and through occasional purchases. The Trust is also now custodian of the business records of many shale oil companies, which remain the property of BP Oil Ltd.
Our aim is to make many of these resources available for private study and research purposes through this website. For sake of completeness, we also include a number of images in the gazetteer section that are owned by other institutions or individuals and are reproduced with their permission.
As far as we aware, Almond Valley either hold the copyright of all material featured in this website, or have obtained consent to reproduce items owned by others. Where the identity of the copyright owner is not known for certain, it is the responsibility of the individual wishing to reproduce material to make all necessary attempts to trace the identity of the copyright owner and obtain the necessary permission. Please contact us in case of any query.
Re-use of content for non-commercial purposes
Our aim is to encourage the use of the resources published on this site to support further personal studies and research, and are happy to licence use of most resources under a Creative Commons attribution – non-commercial licence (Scotland). Under this licence you are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt work for non-commercial purposes providing that you attribute its source. This applies to all unattributed images and information on the website, but NOT to material attributed to other organisations or individuals. We would ask that images and extracts used under Creative Commons licence are attributed to Almond Valley Heritage Trust and, where practical, a hyperlink provided to
Re-use of content for commercial purpose
Images for reproduction in commercial publications and productions may be licenced for use under similar terms as commercial photo-libraries. Action will be taken against any unauthorised use of content.